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[[12 column table]]
| Location | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 |
|Brokingham Co.
Buckingham C. [[?]].
New [[?]]
New Female Inst.
|1200 Day
Pupils at the Six plans|None|4|Each can be bought  for 20 cts for [[?]]5 Wood per cord|Land can be bought at from [[?]15 to [[?]]20 per acre. The Buildings should be 40 by 40 ft, and frames or log would be cheapest. A building of this description would cost $1200 - completed with outhouses benches [[?]]|All the teachers would have to be brought from the North, unless it be that a few colored [[?]] who can teach very young children. Board can be obtained [[?]] for from [[?]]3. to [[?]]5 per week|The Buildings . cost of employing Teachers, Books [[?]] would have to be paid for by the Govt. for some time. The colored people can do but little as they are very poor|None|None|Among the poor classes of whites in the Co. there is much bitter hostility cherished toward the establishment of Colored Schools. The better class have [[been]] settles opposition to the movement. A few poor [[?]] could be found among the whites who would aid the [[?]] but not [[?]]|But [[with]] encouragement will be reserved from the white citizens of this Co concerning the colored school question in that is at this time  The colored people are anxious to have them established, but they can do nothing [[scarcely]] in the premises. A large proportion of the adults will take advantage of the opportunity - and I think , our Schoolhouse in each Magisterial dist will be filled without doubt.|
|Prince Edward Co 
Prince Edward C H.  
[[?]] Depot 
Prospect Green Bay| 1200 day Pupils at the Five places|None except at Farmville when there are a few Govt Buildings -(see answer to 8. [[?]] 8| 4|Land can be bought for $20 per acre  Buildings should be 40x40 ft and two stories high to be of frames or logs. Would cost nearly $1200 - complete with outhouses [[benches or]]|Teachers would be required from the North As many as six colored teachers can be found in that Co who are capable of teaching young children. Good Board & quarters can be had convenient as from [[?]]3- to [[?]]5.00 per week| The Buildings cost of employing Teachers, Books [[?]] would have to be paid for by the Govmt. for some time|There are 3 Govt Building at Farmville. They could be used if they were in the right location but to move them would cost more than they are worth. One of these are in use as a School for Color Children|None|There is no open hostility or opposition to this movement by the white people. no difficulties will grow out of the [[?]] if it does not interfere with the [[?]] of the whites. The material aid which they will render, will [[?]] to letters|The feeling in this County is much more [[forseeable]] in the matter of Colored School _ as the same time no contributions can be relied on  The Whites as a general thing are not in any better condition to contribute than the colored people are||Sussex County Sussex [[C:I.]]|40 pupils|No suitab|le building|Building|cost $300|Board $20|public sent| not fa|vorable|.||

I certify that the above report is a correct transcript of the reports of Asst [[?]]
J R Stone
[[?]] Major and Supt [[2nd]] Dist Va

[[footnote 1]]Office Supt  23 Dist Petersbury Va~ Oct. 1866[[/footnote1]]