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exceedingly anxious that one should be established and will do all in their power toward its support & maintenance. They will pay the rent of the land and any additional expenses over the estimated cost of building, three hundred ($300.) dollars, provide seats, desks, blackboards &c furnish also fuel & light & keep the building in repair & take care of the same, and any sundry expenses exclusive of salary & board for a teacher or teachers. This expence they are not able to defray together with the estimated cost of building, at least this year, I think however that they will be next year. A teacher or teachers will very probably be required from abroad, though many of the friends of the school are desirous that a resident teacher should engage in the work, yet this is very uncertain of accomplishing. Board would cost five ($5.00) dollars per week exclusive of washings. The freedmen will do all they can, yet I do not think them able to support the teacher altogether. As friends to the cause of educating the freedmen in this vicinity, I will mention Rev. J.H. Morrison, E.R. Tumbull County Clerk, Wm. P. Buford, P.W. Ross, & Rev. B. Clark. Public sentiment in this