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I do not think the local friends of the school could be depended on to do a great deal though they will do all they can. The freedmen had a meeting some time again to raise money for the purpose of establishing a school, several white citizens of the place were present and contributed, about $125.00 was raised, this money is still unappropriated. I think the persons interested could not do more than pay the teacher s board furnish food and lights and take care of the school house, though if they are able to do more they will do it for they are very anxious to have a school. Mr. Millner who is thoroughly competent and is a citizen of good standing in the community might be engaged to teach. The state of public sentiments with reference to school for the freedmen is very favorable and is daily becoming more so
Dr. J. P. Brown one of our Bureau Agents is very much interested in the school as is also Mr. W. W. Henry the attorney for the commonwealth at this place

I am very Respectfully
Your Ob Servt
Frank A Paye
Bvt Capt & asst Supt