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[?] Head Quarters Assistant Commissioner State 
Concerning "Freedmens Schools" in Prince Edward County, Ga. 

[[4 Columned Table]]
| Reply to Ques. No V. Concerning Cost of Site for School Buildings | Reply to Ques. No VI. Concerning Teachers, Teacher's Board &c. | Reply to Ques. No VII Concerning extent of aid from local friends. | Reply to Ques. No VIII Concerning adaptation of Gove Buildings &c |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| I think it would be advantageous to all concerned to have at least one school in each [?] treated as [?] the each as District. Created as near the centre as favorable. Land desirably situated for sites could be secured for a small sum per acre. not to exceed $25 - I would suggest that the buildings be as constructed as recommended in the Reports concerning Buckingham & Cumberland Co's. - and located as follows.
No 1 Farmville
No 2 P.E. C. House
No 3. Rice's Depot
No 4. Prospect 
No 5 Green Bay 
These Buildings would cost about the same as was estimated for the County of Buckingham. | I believe as many as six colored teachers could be found in this County but they could teach the younger children only- Teachers could find good quarters & boarding quite convenient to any of the proposed  locations at from $3. to $5 per week. Washing not included. | I am of opinion that the only class from whom we can reasonably expect aid are not in a condition to render it.- The expense of Building S. Houses, employing Teachers, procuring Books, &c would have to be done by the Government for some time - I do not think the local aid would am't to as much as paying Teachers board or furnishing fuel &c. | There are no Govt Buildings in this County execpting those at the town of Farmville, one of which is in use by Miss Dean as a school House for colored children- Any of these buildings could be adapted to the purpose if they were in the right location - but on account of their construction &c. they cannot be movedwithout being taken to pieces- That would "injure the material" to such an extent - that without great expense they could not be re-constructed advantageously- They are not very substantially constructed at any rate & the materials are generally very inferior. | 

I hereby certify that to the