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L.B. 147. Vol. 2.

Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands,
Headquarters, Superintendent Fifth District, Va. 
Fort Monroe, Va. Sept 17th 1866

Bvt Brg Genl O Brown

I have the honor to report in accordance with Circular 23 C.S. from the office of the Assistant Commissioner that measures were promptly taken to procure the information therein called for and reports have been duly, but in most cases tardily received.

These reports are herewith enclosed and, regarding these, it is thought proper to state that in the counties of York and Elizabeth City abundant and excellent prvsion is already made by charitable societies for the education of freedmen therein; and they are seeking to establish themselves in these counties in a permanent and liberal basis; efforts which I regret to state are not in my opinion receiving moral or any 

Transcription Notes:
not sure if "provision" is abbreviated or if it's another word entirely - I think it is pension and entered that, but honestly it could be prvsion (provision) too? I think "provision" makes more sense in the context of the paragraph.