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for the purpose the people will furnish the necess Sary fixtures & furniture for School room 
Q 6th Will a teacher from abroad be required &c 
A A teacher from abroad will be required, board & lodging can be had at Thomas Cartmans, a Colored man. his house is Situated near the School house cost of board & lodgings about (18) Eighteen dollars per Month
Q 7th How Much will the friends of the School do Toward it's Maintenance:, 
A They promise that all who are able, probably one half, will pay from (50) fifty cts to (1) one dollar per Month, they do Not wish to promise More than than they feel Safe in being able to perform but I think if the School was Established an arrangement could be Made by which they Could pay the teachers board and lodging furnish lights for & take Care of the School room
Q 9th Give names of the Most responsible persons &c 
A Thomas Cartman & Reily Jones intelligent Colored Men.
Q 10th What is the State of public Sentiment &c
A It is becoming More favorable;
Q 11th Give any additional information of interest &c 
The people have now a School in Session, they are anxious to Secure a permanent teacher. The places above Mentioned are the only ones at which, for the present Colored Schools Can be established. Although in My Answers To Question No 10 I have Stated that