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think can be done very reasonably by loading the lumber on Barges and have them towed up the River to within a mile where the School houses are to be erected. The dwelling for the teachers can be built in connection with the School house at quite a small cost, for when the Lumber for the schools is transported, then also at the same time could the materials for the dwellings be taken, with but a small additional cost. 
Question 6th A teacher from abroad will be required. If a white teacher, he will not be able to get board. For a colored teacher board may be obtained within a mile, at $20.00 per month.
7th  There are no local friends except the Freedmen and they are not able to do anything.
"b" They will make necessary repairs on a house when built.
"c" They cannot furnish the school with seats & blackboards.
"d" They cannot supply their own Teacher.
"e" & f They will furnish fuel & lights and take care of the school room.
In submitting the above, I am
Very Respectfully
Your Obdt Svt
C.H. Wanens
Capt & Asst Sup.

Transcription Notes:
Can't find name in FREEDMEN’S BUREAU TRANSCRIPTION PROJECT Virginia Assistant Commissioners and Field Office Staff List. No listing for Newport News or (extinct) Warwick County.