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vicinity, are very desirous to have a school. I am informed that forty or fifty (40 or 50) pupils would attend. An old abandoned church in the village can be obtained for that purpose.

In the village of Aldie there are probably twenty or twenty five (20 or 25) pupils, that would attend, but no building can be obtained for that purpose.

In the village of Hamilton and vicinity it is thought that between twenty and thirty (20 & 30) pupils, would attend a school if situated in that village.

In the village of Lovettsville and vicinity there are probably about the same number (20 or 30) pupils who would attend a school if established in that village. A house in a very dilapidated condition, and if repaired, could be used for the purpose.

The places above named, are the most inviting for the establishment of schools, but as this is one of the finest agricultural counties in the State, it is consequently quite thickly settled, and the colored population very evenly distributed over it. Hence a school established almost any where, would be very well attended - probably as many pupils as one teacher could attend to.

I have conferred with some of the most influential men residing at the