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Bureau of R.F.&A.L.  
3rd & 4th Divisions, 8th Sub Dist. Va. Christiansburg, Va.
April 1st 1868.
Capt. M. P. Austin
Sub Asst. Comi
Sir - I have the honor to make the following report in compliance with your instructions of March 31st 1868, and referring to circular no 9. of November 18th 1869. 
Private school for colored children, about.  6 miles from Jeffersonville, Floyd County, taught by Miss Jane Jenney (White) numbers 20 Scholars.
School No. 1, at Salem, Roanoke Co., for colored children, taught by William Randolph "Colored". Numbers 60 Scholars.
School No. 2, at Salem, Roanoke Co. for colored children, taught by Charles Lewis "colored" numbers 48 Scholars.
Very Respectfully
Your Obt. Servant
C S Schaeffer A.S.A. Com'r