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Transcription: [00:03:08]
{SPEAKER name="Hart E. Van Riper"}
Now we've established the strain business and, uh, we've, esta- we've learned a new way to cultivate virus other than in nervous tissue. And now we're working on the best means, perhaps, of inactivating the virus so that it's no longer infectious to the human being but it, uh, the vaccine is still capable of producing the antibody in the human being.

{SPEAKER name="Watson Davis"}
It's a long process, this work of research, isn't it? It takes lots of dimes, lots of dollars, and lots of time and it's something that somehow rather you can't hurry too much, except by putting at the job large resources made possible by the generosity of the people. And I think that's very important, isn't it, Dr. Van Riper?

{SPEAKER name="Hart E. Van Riper"}
It is, indeed. For instance, this year we will have spent from national headquarters, say, 8 million dollars on patient care with only a million and a half in research. Now, I'm sure that your listeners feel that if we reverse that that perhaps we'd, let's say, we'd come to the answer three or four times faster. You know, Mr. Davis, in research, money isn't always the thing that brings the answer. You need the money but you have to have the individual who can do this sort of tedious, slow investigative work and money will not speed that up.

{SPEAKER name="Watson Davis"}
In other words, even if you had a lot more money for research, you might not have the people to do the research or the facilities. Well, Dr. Van Riper, that's very interesting. Let's, uh, let's ask Dr. Salk, now, to tell us about this work that he's doing on finding out how many viruses there are. That's a good case of important research that's going on under the auspices of the foundation. How about it, Dr. Salk?


{SPEAKER name="Watson Davis"}
Well, thank you, Dr. Salk. Dr. Van Riper, I'd like to ask you what other research is in progress by, under the auspices, of the foundation.

{SPEAKER name="Hart E. Van Riper"}
Well, now, let's, uh, let's confine ourselves now to, to our activities in searching for a vaccine. [[Cross Talk]] I think, Mr. Davis, probably one of the things that's most encouraging is this use of tissue cultures for the propagation of the polio virus. As you know, up until a few years, or a year, 18 months ago, we were dependent as a source of virus for any possible vaccine on the virus that's recovered from the central nervous system of infected monkeys.