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Transcription: [00:05:03]
{SPEAKER name="Watson Davis"}
Among the ones we've picked in the Science Talent Search, all of those practically that have a--
that want to go to college and are fit for it do get scholarships and I think that'll be true with your group as well.

{SPEAKER name="Elizabeth Drews"}
Well we hope so [[laughs]], because they certainly are people who could make very good use of them. Very few of them ever have below a B minus grade,
occasionally we get that low-- our low achievers, but that isn't a very low achievement.

{SPEAKER name="Watson Davis"}
Well I wanted to ask you and [[uhm]]-- and I have ideas on this too, Dr. Drews,
but I'd like to know what your opinion is. Are these eggheads-- will you call-- are they called eggheads by their associates in school?

{SPEAKER name="Elizabeth Drews"}
Well, you know, I-I think there's a lot more acceptance of the intellectual
and the egghead in our society, than perhaps some of the popular magazines have led us to believe.
I have a feeling that some of the boys in our group are the outstanding football players,
they're our class presidents. These children hold on an average two offices per child
and we were looking at them and then comparing them with an average group with average ability,
and these children who were only average held perhaps a half an office per child if that is possible [[laughs]].
But this is the kind of thing that-- they do more of everything,
they're better students, but they're also good athletes, they hold more offices, they read more books.
They evidently have longer days than the rest of us [[laughs]]. Maybe they've found the secret of not sleeping or something.

{SPEAKER name="Watson Davis"}
Well that's true, these youngsters don't sleep. They work all hours, they get so enthusiastic then[[?]] they have fun you know?
Science is synonymous with them for fun.

{SPEAKER name="Elizabeth Drews"}
Yes, I think there are probably some rather subtle differences between the ones that want to be scientists
and the ones maybe who are [[uhm]] moving into the social science or public relation areas.
This is one thing that we're hoping to study more thoroughly, but you may remember this article that Turman wrote a couple of years ago on "Are Scientists Different?"
And perhaps they do have more fun in this quiet way, in the experimental way,
than some of the others who are more active people that are out in social gatherings all the time. And I know it's dangerous to generalize
that all of our children are holding offices, because I suppose some of our top scientists are not holding offices, maybe they're quiet.

{SPEAKER name="Watson Davis"}
Well your-your findings certainly parallel as I remembered the experience that we've had in charting up what these Science Talent Search winners do.
What the top-- the finalists and the

Transcription Notes:
Should egghead in the way they are using it be in quotes?