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Transcription: [00:12:26]
{SPEAKER name="Elizabeth Drews"} and it's interesting, too, although there has seemingly, it's been felt that there was a lot of ignorance about
what scientists do, that scientists were queer and not quite human
and yet when we have asked our bright children
do they want to be scientists, yes, and do they know what scientists do, certainly
they know. They can tell you exactly how many years of college
it takes to be a nuclear physicist and just what kind of courses you're going to have to take.
There's, this unclearness is not in the minds of this group of children.
Perhaps we could take our children who are below average and
ability and ask them about a scientist and come up with some very strange ideas
not true of our top five, or then, or maybe even fifteen percent.
They know and they identify with the so-called egghead
if we want to call a scientist that.
{SPEAKER name="Watson Davis"}
Well, thank goodness for eggheads Dr. Drews.
and I think this is a most encouraging report.
that you give us from this experiment that you've undertaken over a period
of years here in the Lansing region of Michigan.
Thank yuo very much. Our Adventures in Science guest today
has been Dr. Elizabeth Drews, Associate Professor of Education of Michigan State University.