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Declaring the War Debts void, and for other purposes.

BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF ALABAMA, IN CONVENTION ASSEMBLED: That all debts created by the State of Alabama in aid of the late war, directly or indirectly, are hereby declared void, and the General Assembly of the State shall have no authority, and they are hereby forbidden to ratify the same, or to assume or provide for the payments of the same, or any parts thereof.

ARTICLE 2: BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED, That the General Assembly of the State, shall have no authority, and they are hereby forbidden to assume or make any provision for the payments of any portion of the debts contracted or incurred, directly or indirectly by the Confederate States, or by its Agents, or by its authority. 

President of the Convention.


To explain an Ordinance therein named.
BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF ALABAMA IN CONVENTION ASSEMBLED: That an Ordinance passed at a former day of this Convention, entitled "An Ordinance in relation to the institution of Slavery, and the abolition thereof," shall not be so construed as to limit or restrict the powers of the Legislature to pass laws, such as will protect freedmen of this State in the full enjoyment of their rights of person and property, and guard them and the State, against any evils that may arise from their sudden emancipation, to the next session of the Legislature; but, Be it Ordained, that the General Assembly shall have full power, at any future session or sessions, to pass just and humane laws on this subject, such as will conduce to the welfare of the freedmen, and will consist with the good of the community. 

President of the Convention.