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Capt WM Brunt Supt F Campt
Bought of Bell& Sheridan 

July 21th 1 1/2 day Photographs of negroes 850
Sept 10th 1/2 day Photographs of negroes 200

Received Payment Bell& Sheridan
Clarksville Tenn Sept 10th, 1864

Capt WM Brunt Supt. of F Camp
Bot of J N Neblete
|June 23| |1 scoop 35 sheet. Leu 15| |50|
|July 20| |1 Leu Bucket| |85|
|July 22| |2 Leu Cups| |28|
|Aug. 22| |1 [[?]] scoop| |100|
Rec payment
J N Neblete

[[?]] Freemens Camp
Clarksville Tenn Sept. 21th 1865
Received of Capt. Williamsbrunt 16th [[?]]
Asst supt. Freedmen - one third of the corn raised by Freedmen on my farm in A.D. 1865, as a full compensation from [[?]] states government for use of [[?]] land clearing said year. 

[[?]] Lo Pastor