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Mayor Gen.l O.O. Howard
Com Bureau Refugees
Freedmen, & Abandoned Lands.

Your petitioner Philip
Pipkin of the City of New Berne, State of N.Ca respectfully shows that one Raymond Castix died in New Berne in May 1862 never having taken any part in the late Rebellion.
Your Petitioner further states that the said Castix died seized and possessed of the following property in New Berne to wit:
A house & lot on East Front Street to also another house & a lot on Queen Street near the Frog Pond, also a ship yard on the Neuse River, that all of said property has been taken possession of by the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen & Abandoned Lands. Your Petitioner is Administrator upon the estate of Said Castix and desires said property to be restored to him in order that he may discharge his duties as Administrator.
Your Petitioner respectfully insists that the said property is not subject to the Acts of Congress touching Abandoned lands &c, because said Castix never Abandoned said property at any period during the Rebellion

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Also a lot on new street between George and Metcalf Street [[strikethrough]] the Frog Pond [[/strikethrough]] also another house and lot on South Front Street Near the Rail Road called the Duged house.

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