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degenerated into an ordinary case of stealing- The Major exchanged the horse with some party unknown for another which he now has at work on his farm. 
If the defense should be set up that the capture was an act of war what can I do? If it is apparent that Military Wages were violated can I prefer charges for trial by Military commission? Or is this a case in which it is not thought best to interfere? If the horse can be found, unless he not be recovered by his former owner? If he cannot be found can the defendant be compelled to make compensation?
I have thought best to summon Whitford to appear before me to answer the complaint and have fixed the time for Tuesday the 27th next. Meanwhile I would be glad of advice from the highest authority in the Department as to the extent of my jurisdiction.

Your Obt Servt
F A Seely
Capt & Supt dept. NC

Col E Whittlesey Asst Com NC