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L.B. B ps 3 & 4

Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands,
Headquarters, Eastern District of North Carolina,
Newbern, N.C., April 27, 1866.

I return herewith the complaint of Anthony Simmons which you have referred to me, with the following statement. Anthony is a colored man living at Newport, Cartaret County. His complaint was made to me in March and on the 22d ultimo Perry appeared in answer to my summons. My investigation was informal. Anthony undertook to prove and brought Mr Bell as witness, that Perry had received a horse & mule from him, with the understanding that they were to be kept and cared for until they were wanted without charge, for the use of them. In this he failed entirely. Mr Bells evidence being that Perry had only said the costs would be small.

The mule was sold by Perry, and the horse well kept till spring & given back greatly increased in value no charge being made for his board. Mr Perry expressed his willingness