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Hd Qrs Sub Dist Edenton N.C.
May 12th 1866


I have the honor to report all quiet in this district. I have no cases to try, nor fines to report, neither apprenticeship bonds, to forward. The people so far, are quite willing to assist, & I believe, are anxious that the colored people shall have justice done them with the exception of taxes, & that is the cloven foot, showing itself perhaps sooner than they intended it should, but in settlements they are quite willing the negro shall have all that is due him. I go to Perquimans Co in the morning, they are holding Co Court there next week. I have no complaints from there however I hope I shall have no trouble as I dont expect any.

I am Sir very Respectfully your
Obedient Servant. - A.G. Tennant
Lt & Asst Supt Freed.

Capt & Bvt Maj F.A. Seely
Supt & Dist. New Berne n.69