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to undertake to spoil the whole affair, by makeing trouble on the Whites.

As for the Schools they are doing very well. We have a school in the day time for children while in the Evening we have one for Adults. The Freedmen turned out on New Years day and marched in a Procession through the Streets, and had Speakers through the day, and most of them had a nice Dinner, where they ate together and had a good time. I have not got my Horse as yet, but expect him here to day, if the Steamer comes.

I found a nasty Story started here (by a low Drunken disipated (Man) about me, but I had no difficulty in traceing it to the one that started it, and made the Rebble or Rascal go about Town and swallow his own words. Then sneake out of Town. No one believed a word of it. Still it was thought very strange.
hoping to hear from you soon. I remain

Your most obedient Servant,
Wm H Willey
Asst. Supt. Freedmens Bureau
Elizabeth City
No Carolina