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Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands, 
Office Assistant Superintendent [[strikethrough]] Claim Division [[/strikethrough]]
New Berne, N.C., May 22nd 1867

Lieut Col Stephen Moore. 
Supt Eastern Division of N.C. 

Jacob Smith (colored seaman) honorably discharged, May 9th 1867, at Annapolis Md; States that his two children, one named Simon aged about 11 years, apprenticed April 23rd 1866, by Lieutenant A W McKillop Asst Supt., to W.A. Ballenger in Craven Co. and the other his daughter Eda bound by the same gentleman Aug 30th 1866, to Luther Ruff, living between New Bern and Little Washington N.C. that his children were bound without their consent and during his absence in the U.S. Service, that he is well able to take care of them and respectfully requests that the Intentures be cancelled and the children returned to his care.

Very Respectfully 
Your Obedient Servant 
A W Bolenius
Capt VRC and Bvt Maj USV
Asst Supt.