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Bureau of R.F. and A.L.
Sub-District of Kinston, N.C,
Kinston, N.C. January 8th 1867. 

Lieut. Colonel Stephen Moore V.R.C
Supt. Eastern Dist. Bureau of R.F. and A.L.
Newberne N.C.

I have the honor to report as to the operations of the Bureau in this Sub. District since December 20th, 1866.  No Indentured of Apprenticeship have been Drawn up. And five (51 Contracts for labor approved and witnessed. No outrages have been reported to me.  For Compliance with your Communication of the 5th inst. I attended the Court held at this place. During the trial of West and other freedmen who were indicted by the Grand Jury for assisting Lieut Fowler in arresting Certain white men in obedience to his, Lieut Fowlers, orders. The trial was Conducted fairly. The jury brought in a Verdict of Guilty, but  the Magistrates suspended judgement and the freedmen were released upon Payment of his costs. Please send me blank requisitions No. 40, as I need Stationary. 

I am, Colonel
Very respectfully
Your obt. Servt,
William F. Cox
2 Lt, V.R.C. & Asst. Supt.