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Monthly Report of Contracts witnessed by 2nd Lieut J. G. Hort, 30th Regt U.S.C.I. during the Month of November 1865

[[7 Column Table]]
| Name | Age | To hwom | From | To | Rate | Remarks. |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |

| Harriet Slade | 8 |Mary E. Hoover | Nov 10th 1865 | Nov 10th 1866 | $5 per annum | This contract was made with the consent of the childs mother Mary Jane Slade - towards whom the child evinced the most marked antipathy piteously imploring to be allowed to say with Mrs. Hoover who had raised her from birth |

J.G. Hort 2nd Lieut
30th Regt U.S.C.I.
Asst. Supt Freedmen
Beaufort Pitt & Hyde Cos.

Washington D.C.
Nov 30th 1865