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Transcription: [00:02:22]
{SPEAKER name="Leone N. Claman"}
"Expressing it would be that the first manifestations of allergic disease often appear in very early childhood or infancy. And our feeling is that if they can be recognized, diagnosed, and treated at that time before there were any complications, that a great deal will have been accomplished. In that way, the child can develop as normally as possible and not go on piling one complication upon another upon the basic allergic condition."
{SPEAKER name="Watson Davis"}
" Well, you mean to say that if a person does have an allergy when a child, it doesn't necessarily have to have it all the years of his life.
{SPEAKER name="Leone N. Claman"}
" No, he doesn't, but one of the unhappy things about allergic disease is that they have a certain
{SILENCE} progression. The first manifestation of allergic disease in early childhood is usually eczema or "ex-ee-ma" if you prefer to pronounce it that way. It's a skin rash which itches. At a later date, the next manifestation which often appears is that of rhinitis or hay fever, sneezing, itching eyes and nose, running eyes and nose. The next thing in the progress, the allergic progression, is the appearance of asthma. And at any time in between, hives will appear. In other words, if an individual has eczema as an infant, is untreated, has hay fever as a young or middle-aged child, and is untreated, will probably develop asthma.
{SPEAKER name="Watson Davis"}
" Well, uh, the fact that they can be treated and, uh, get some relief is rather encouraging but I think it's a little discouraging, isn't it, that you're not, don't have the same kind of, uh, allergy throughout life. You may have this progression. I didn't know that, that's very interesting.
{SPEAKER name="Leone N. Claman"}
" Well, it sounds a little pessimistic. That is the sort of thing which happens when people aren't treated. But if you can get that baby when the eczema appears, if you can find out what causes the eczema. Whether its food or something in contact with the skin as soap or a fabric, or a woolen blanket

Transcription Notes:
when listening to my sound clip it ends at "if you can get that baby when the eczema appears--" but the previous transcriber has included the end of the sentence. I will leave their transcription in even though I can not hear it. My sound clip also ended the same way - not sure if it is in another audio, but I also left it. Otherwise I did not see any issues.