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Transcription: [00:04:25]
{SPEAKER name="Leone N. Claman"}
find out what causes the eczema, whether it's a food or something in contact with the skin: a soap or a fabric, a woolen blanket, or a rayon comforter, or something of that sort.

If you can find what foods are causing it, and if you can help the baby to recover from the eczema at that time, then watch carefully, uh..being aware of the things that may happen, you may be able to do a very good prophylactic job, and prevent this progression of events from becoming inevitable.

{SPEAKER name="Watson Davis"}
Well that's very encouraging. Uh...I have heard it said...I've just heard this once, Dr.Claman, that actually it was a case of a husband being allergic to his wife. (laughs) A pretty serious situation I would say. What do you do in a case like that. Or have you ever had cases like that?

{SPEAKER name="Leone N. Claman"}
Well yes I have and it wasn't an emotional thing. In a couple of instances, it was cosmetics that the wife was using that were at fault and the husband wasn't allergic to her at all...just to her cosmetics.

{SPEAKER name="Watson Davis"}
Well that was promising and encouraging. And she stopped using those particular cosmetics and they lived happily ever after?

{SPEAKER name="Leone N. Claman"}
Forever and ever.

{SPEAKER name="Watson Davis"}
Well that's very nice. How bout dogs. Sometimes dogs are causes of allergies, aren't they?

{SPEAKER name="Leone N. Claman"}
Yes, uh...dogs, cats, birds, household pets, or the...sometimes people are even allergic to human dander or dandruff or the little scales of skin that come from the scalp.


{SPEAKER name="Watson Davis"}

{SPEAKER name="Leone N. Claman"}
Feathers. And of course parakeets are very popular now and people sometimes people forget that parakeets have feathers, but they do and sometimes people are feather sensitive can't be happy with a parakeet.

{SPEAKER name="Watson Davis"}
And dust?

{SPEAKER name="Leone N. Claman"}
Well dust is a sort of universal thing in that it consists of all the hairs: human, animal, all the bits of feathers, all the bits of fabric, all the cleaning material, cosmetics, anything that's in a home environment eventually finds its way into the dust of that home, so starting off with dust, you start off with a sort of stock mixture of things and