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Transcription: [00:10:42]
{SPEAKER name="Watson Davis"}
...the practitioner's, the medical men and women, who are treating allergy have gotten together to support along with Claman, this "American Foundation for Allergic Diseases". Actually, it has not been organized very long has it?

{SPEAKER name="Leone N. Claman"}
No, it got underway in about 1953. It started its organization, it's really -uh- coming along very well. Would you like to hear the objectives of the foundation?

{SPEAKER name="Watson Davis"}
Well, I think it would be, I guess you're against allergy, aren't you?


{SPEAKER name="Leone N. Claman"}
{SPEAKER name="Watson Davis"}
What are the objectives Dr. Claman?

{SPEAKER name="Leone N. Claman"}
Well, there is a very great necessity for basic research in allergic disease and one of the objectives is to stimulate -uh- basic research.
{SPEAKER name="Leone N. Claman"}
And then there is a necessity for increased professional training in the medical schools, -uh- there, there must be more, and more thorough, and better teaching of allergic diseases in the medical schools.
{SPEAKER name="Leone N. Claman"}
Then, -uh- it is hoped to extend hospital and clinical facilities for allergic patients so that there are more beds set aside for them under controlled conditions of environment too.
{SPEAKER name="Leone N. Claman"}
And eventually a home care program some time in the future which will give financial assistance to allergic patients -uh- too.
{SPEAKER name="Leone N. Claman"}
And then, and I would not put this last because I think I would put it first, and that is what we are trying to do right now, which is to increase the public fund of knowledge on an accurate basis as far as allergic disease are concerned. To give the public's very definite and accurate information as to what allergic diseases is and what can be done about it.

{SPEAKER name="Watson Davis"}
Well that's what we're doing right now, Dr. Claman actually as a part of the program. You, the foundation, isn't allergic to financial contributions is it?

{SPEAKER name="Leone N. Claman"}
On the contrary.


{SPEAKER name="Watson Davis"}
Well I think it is very interesting to have this look At allergy.

Uh, let me ask you this Dr. Claman, you mentioned asthma and uh,