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Transcription: [00:12:46]
{SPEAKER name="Watson Davis"}
Um Excema(Exceema), Excema(Exuhma)!

{SPEAKER name="Leone N. Claman"}
Well we say Excema(Exuhma), most people say Excema(Exceema).

{SPEAKER name="Watson Davis"}
Well alright uh... Topical things that you put on or do for them to relieve symptoms are useful, but also there's this problem of the basic cost.

{SPEAKER name="Leone N. Claman"}
Yes, uh we can... we can relieve some of the symptoms with various medications or applications, but you don't really treat the individual correctly unless you try to immunize them against whatever is causing his illness.

{SPEAKER name="Watson Davis"}
And uh, that's, therefore it's important that a doctor who knows about allergy, really uh have a chance to see these patient's, isn't it?

{SPEAKER name="Leone N. Claman"}
Well we think so, yes.

{SPEAKER name="Watson Davis"}
And uh, well I hope you do go on and conquer more and more of these rather serious, but very prevalent conditions known as allergies.

{SPEAKER name="Leone N. Claman"}
Thank you-

{SPEAKER name="Watson Davis"}
Our- Our "Adventures in Science," guest today has been Dr. Leone N. Claman: Attending physician in charge of Allergy at New York Infirmary.
