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December 29, 1949

Dear Jean:

I have just received another very strong letter from Tom Reaney, who still seems to think Equity should do something about the affair in Colorado Springs. We had hoped, in getting out a statement that would satisfy Wilder and you, that it would help the situation. However, inasmuch as you do not approve,* we are putting the whole matter before the executive committee for final disposal.

I was personally unpleasantly impressed with the dogmatic air Mitch used on me regarding the statement. I think it has been harmful from his point of view to get the whole thing started again, and inasmuch as it is one of the hottest potatoes we have got hold of, I would appreciate any suggestion you have for any positive action, because my inclination personally is to do nothing about it.

With best wishes for a happy new year to you and Zohma and the children, I am,

Sincerely yours,

Hudson D. Walker
Executive Director

*We never contemplated making any statement or taking any action without your approval.

Mr. Jean Charlot
University of Hawaii
Honolulu, Hawaii