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Thank you very much for your stimulating talk Mr. Warner. I understand that being a Professor and a lawyer, you are willing to be cross-examined. (Turning to audience). 

Mr. Warner will be glad to answer questions but I have promised him that we will not let him miss his train so when he wants to stop he can. 

(After questions). 

We thank you again Mr. Warner. I am sure that we will put what we have learned today to good use. 

(If the Inspectors of Election are ready with their report, call upon them here to announce the results, otherwise announce results when Inspectors are ready). 

Before we have an open discussion of all Equity problems and whatever you have on your minds, there is some additional formal business which we must handle. 

[[symbol]] check mark [[symbol]] We must fix the place for next year's annual meeting. I would like to hear suggestions. (Place of annual meeting is fixed at New York). 

[[symbol]] check mark [[symbol]] We must now fix the dues for next year. (Dues are fixed at $12.)

[[symbol]] check mark [[symbol]] The next business is to decide how many people should be on the Nominating Committee for next year, and to elect one-half of that number. Under the constitution of the other half is appointed
