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December 15, 1948
Y. Kuniyoshi


This is our first general meeting since the April election.  I know you are allcurious to know what has been happening all this time.  Since we have a great deal to accomplish tonight, I shall try to make my report as brief as possible.  But I do want you to keep in mind that Equity is venturing into fields that up to now have been unexplored, and because of that its activities are more time consuming, requiring patient research and the establishment of bases of negotiation.

The main business on hand tonight is to form a local New York body of Equity and to nominate and elect the organizing committee.  By establishing a local organization, New York artists will have their own working body to solve their immediate problems, just as other regions throughout the country.  The nationally elected body could then be free to go on working on general policies.

Later on Harry Gottlieb will give you a more detailed explanation and we will then conduct the nominations and elections.

Before we go on to some of the reports concerning professional economic problems and the general activities of Equity, I should like to talk about the recent announcement from the Metropolitan Museum.
