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^[[My chapter meeting]]  Feb. 8, 1949

^[[dup]] Welcome -

 The establishing of a New York chapter is long overdue.  It was our intention at the very beginning to do this, but other organizational problems delayed us from accomplishing this sooner.

 There are many reasons why it is important for us to have this Chapter functioning as soon as possible.  It will help Equity greatly having a local group handle local problems, and as a consequence will free the board for work on the overall picture.  It will also, I believe, clarify the misunderstanding which has often been expressed, that Artists Equity is a New York organization.

 I hope that this Chapter will lead the way, and that it will create a precedent worthy of other chapters to follow. [Whoever is elected Chairman this evening from the 3 men nominated, I am confident he will do his best to carry out the aims of our organization.] Give him your full cooperation and let us build a Chapter of which we can be proud.

If we are to judge from past performances ---------  the newly elected, and first chairman of the New York Chapter will do his best to promote the aims of Artists Equity.