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of ethics, standards and methods of procedure in some quarters, where none existed before. A code of ethics for artists as they have become clarified and accepted these past four years, will be published in 1950-51 as a guide for all members. The many services Equity has performed and is performing are not immediately noticeable to every member. However, by continually working away at them, these services will attain results for all of us.

 Equity is not going to make you a better artists or [[strikethrough]] get [[/strikethrough]] put your name in lights. But it can contribute towards those conditions which will enable you to produce more and better work.

 There is [[strikethrough]] a potential [[/strikethrough]] an approximate membership of 10,000 nationwide, who are eligible for membership in Equity today. We are confident that the combined programs of the Chapters and the program of the National Board directed at solving, some of the basic problems, can grow to the point where Equity will represent these artists. There are increasing requests for an expansion of memberships in Equity, to include associate, sustaining, patron and affiliation with other artist organizations. At the present time these are all permitted on a Chapter basis, naturally with the rights and obligations of the various kinds of membership carefully regulated.