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 Recently I served as one of the members on the Nominating Committee for the forthcoming elections. Our task was not easy. We gave a great deal of thought and consideration in making up the slate of officers and directors. We have always tried to keep a balance between sculptors, painters and graphic artists so that each group is proportionately represented on the Board.

 Another factor was to have as wide a representation of beliefs, principles and schools so that each voice would be heard.
There may be some names on the new slate that are not familiar to you but the reason for selecting them was their unselfish and faithful service to Equity as you not by the activities listed beside the name of each candidate. By the way, there are two innovations this year to help you vote: The listing of each individual's activities in the organization and a choice of two candidates for each office. This makes for a broader slate and a wider choice.

 We have come to that time in organizational life when we need artists who are willing to work. We have reached the stage where not only believing in Equity is important but also the artist who contributes to the welfare of the organization should be given greater consideration.
Up to now only a small proportion of our members have returned their ballots. I particularly urge every one of you to send in your ballot so that we may know your wish. Also, I want to add, pleas weigh your choice carefully, think of your candidate as a builder of Equity's future and one who will serve you best.