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July 1, 1944

Mr. Eddie Shimano, Executive Secretary
Arts Council of Japanese Americans for Democracy
240 Fifth Ave., New York, N.Y.

Dear Mr. Shimano:
This is to notify you that I will not be able to continue as an active chaiman of the Arts Council.

My resignation is based on purly persnol matters. I am planning a one man show and this make it urgent for me to produce more work which will require my dropping some of my organizational activities, I shall regret very much being inactive at this time but I find it necessary.

However you can depend on my cooperation and I'll be glad to be of assistant so long as the Arts Council continue to stand on its original principales and constitution.

Very sincerely,
Yasuo Kuniyoshi

30 East 14 street
New York 3, N.Y.

Transcription Notes:
[[signature]] removed per Smithsonian instructions