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Miss Kathleen Connor
May 18, 1942
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at this date because of the recent Government rulings,- will be in the neighborhood of $15.00.  The designs will be applied to the style and age range that will be attractive to the largest possible group of women.

Naturally, it has been difficult for me, dealing with a promotion of this scope, to set out all of the many ramifications that are necessarily involved. For example, the publicity campaign that we are in the process of preparing is designed to cover every possible means for the securing of publicity and notice for the United China Relief campaign. Obviously, it is rather difficult for me to outline in a letter such as this the manner in which we intend to handle this aspect of the promotion. 

I am, as you may have gathered, very enthusiastic about this thing, as I fool sincerely that, executed as we plan, it will prove to be an important part of your campaign both from the standpoint of revenue and publicity. 

As you can see, the first thing to be accomplished is the securing of permission to use the titles of the above mentioned books as the inspiration for the designs.  Inasmuch as there is a tremendous amount of work still to be done you can appreciate that time is very much of the essence.

I am indeed grateful to you for your cooperation, and I hope that our efforts together on this thing will produce the satisfying results that I expect.

Cordially yours,

Harry S. Mandell
