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Mr. Yasuo Kuniyoshi   page -2-  July 21, 1942

or aspect that it will appear to be ascending from left to right or vice versa,- a simple touch of symbolism there, perhaps, bringing out a feeling of permanence, solidity and ascent of national fortune.

For "Leaf in the Storm",- perhaps a coolie laboring up a trail or road heavily burdened,- dark, violent clouds overhead, and the feeling of the storm, much blowing of leaves, trees, etc. The trail or road terminating in the distance at a point vaguely but unmistakably bathed in sunshine.

For "Dragon Seed",- in as much as much of the book is devoted to the laboring in the fields of the father and sons, perhaps a simple sketch depicting this typical scene would do the trick.

I hope that this makes some sense and conveys some idea of what I have in mind.

The time element is rather important. You may be aware of the rather confused condition of the fabric and textile industries. There is very much difficulty is getting fabrics into production, and for that reason we must work pretty far in advance. As I indicated above, the fabric concern is awaiting the sketches so that the designers can start work on their designs. So although I don't want to press you, it would be extremely desirable to have the sketches at the earliest possible moment. After the sketches have been received and the fabrics have been designed and produced, the dresses made of these fabrics will then be created. We will then arrange a suitable amount of publicity announcing to the department stores and to the public what this is all about,- that the promotion is inspired by these three books and based on three sketches inspired by the three books,- who did the sketches,- that the original sketches will be available at auction,- that reproductions will be available at stores throughout the country,- etc., etc.

I am working closely with Miss Connor on this and the publicity concerning sketches, artist, books, fabrics, etc., will all be worked out with her cooperation.

I am indeed glad that you are interested in this campaign, and I am sure that with your cooperation we will have something really worthwhile from the standpoint of all concerned. Naturally, after we finally get the wheels in motion I will keep you advised of all developments.

I thank you for your favorable consideration, and I hope we will