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Pulaski 18 Nov. 1865 Gen Fisk or Maj Cochrane Gentlemen Yours of 17 inst handed me to day by Paris Bramblette in which you state that Dr Ordway will settle here on the 4th Decr I will be in no fix to settle having no papers or accounts lodged with me. Paris said to me with some bitterness that the papers are again lost, Capt. Hull sent me a vague memorandum which I forwarded to you. He also stated that he had sent me the former settlement by some Col Man. Which as I wrote you, had never been read by me. You have all; ever I read; which you can doubtless find by looking over, provided you file such uninteresting epistles as mine Should the matter be refered back here please have it in as good shape as possible. Resply Yours, John A Jackson, Supt. PS Is there no chance for my release from this Pandemonium?