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Pulaski 19th Nov 1865 Maj Cochrane My Dear Sir I wrote to you on yesterday relative to the Orway case. I write to you again this Morn to advertise you of the fact that no man can get along with this matter without more laws & men to execute them. I am acquainted with our statutes and [[Votted?]] upon National and under national law also the Common laws of England. But There are cases arise which are not embraced in either For instance three women Claim the property of a dead husband another One Man has Three wives two of whom are the Daughters of the dead one - Another a women whips her cook whom she has raised And neither white nor Darkie knew that Mr Lincoln had ever issued a proclamation or that we held an election to emancipate Another and the most important one is a man of good sense Abuses a Col woman with cruelty. What am I to do? or what could you do placed here. The Civil will do nothing