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3 We will have on our hands at Christmas at least 2000 Negros without homes - I cannot persuade one to make a contract and provide him or herself with a home - all want to rent farms I wish you would answer as to how far I can go - and what are the means with which I am to opperate. I have a board of Col Men - Prest Seely Treas & 7 directors Who I call in and of whom I make a jury and try cases between Col - but when it is between the white man & darkie - I stall sometimes - And indeed which is the case of the man whiping the woman - Should I turn the matter over to the Civil it is a slow process and then I am not sure Justice would be done Please give me the best views you have And Oblige Yours John A Jackson Capt Hull sends me all such cases se in Alabama - and if I understand Gen Fisk does not now control any part of Ala