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main, only average or below average, despite the fact that most of the WASPS, by prior Ground Trainer time or actual flying time, should have shown little difficulty in such work. This might have been because of a simple failure in concentration or merely the attachment of small importance to this work; that women can and have demonstrated remarkable proficiency and aptitude in such endeavor is epitomized by the commendable work of the present trainer instructors who are members of the WAC. It must be remembered; Ground Trainers are but one factor in flying insofar as the WASPS are concerned, while to the WACS it is their principal duty, and largest responsibility.
Another opinion has been advanced, and which merits inclusion by virtue of its double provision,is that th failure on the part of the majority of the WASPS so far as the Instrument Trainer is concerned may stem from their small usage of it. Although they, as are all holders of instrument cards, are required to take at least two hours of Ground Trainer time per month, available records show few WASPS who respect this directive. In view of this, explanation may be taken of their collective lack of proficiency; consistent use of the facilities are necessary in order to maintain skill in Instrument Trainer operation. Surely it follows that they should reflect the adeptness if only by virtue of their flying duties. Interviews with various instructors of this department indicate that the WASPS who have taken a sufficient amount of time to allow judgement require a greater number of hours for this accomplishment than do men. These instructors, again reiterate the belief in a lack of mechanical aptitude in women.
