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to leave mundane home life and join relatives who were serving and third, an average of material considerations and time, coupled with a burning desire for as much of the thrill in flying as was possible. For the most part these women seem to have been satisfied with their status as civilians and possess no great wish to become inalienable members of the military service. Some few months ago, when consideration was being given to the advisability of giving them a military status, few might have refused the opportunity, however, and elected to cease their activities. At the present time those WASPS who yet remain seem to feel that they would accept military status if a definite need could be proven. There can be no way to judge the sincerity in this, present conditions being as they are.
The question then resolves itself into the desirability or lack of desirability of a large scale utilization of such an organization in cases of national emergency. The answer seems obvious. The first consideration of such endeavor would be to guarantee adequate control measures of personnel and to remove from possibility anything which might act to restrict their use in any manner. This means that there should be no question of granting to, and requiring of, them a definite military status. Before they were considered for use, however, the needs should be carefully analyzed and the quality of personnel necessary to these needs gauged. Waivers of physical disability or limitations seems ill-advised. Consideration for assignment to aircraft other than those with which great familiarity has been gained seems ill-advised. The activation of such organizations without carefully chosen and well qualified leaders seems ill-advised. The mass assignment of pilots to specific type of class of aircraft, without due consideration to individual qualifications seems ill-advised. The granting of special considerations to groups of persons regardless of sex cannot be suffered. The existence of any circumstances which would act to grant
