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         I N D E X
CHAPTER 1 Inception of Program                               1 to 4
          Plan initiated in 1941 but activation suspended    1 & 2
          American women pilots went to England              2 & 3
          AAF women pilot program activated in 1942          3 & 4

CHAPTER 2 Recruiting and appointment                         4 to 6

CHAPTER 3 Objectives of women pilot program                  6 to 8

CHAPTER 4 Requirements for applicants                        8 to 14

          Original requirements                              8 & 9
          Decrease in hours required                         9
          Increase in height and lowering of age             10
          Experience regarding height-weight ratio           11 & 12
          Best results in lower age groups                   13

CHAPTER 5 Curriculum                                         14 & 15

CHAPTER 6 Equipment used in training                         16
CHAPTER 7 Operation of training base                         17 & 18

          Army contract type operation                       17
          Cost per trainee                                   17

CHAPTER 8 Pay and living costs                               18 to 20

          Trainees                                           18
          Operational Pilots                                 18
          Cost of uniforms                                   19

CHAPTER 9 Organization and discipline at training base       20 to 21

CHAPTER 10 Formation of overall WASP program                 22 to 28
           Merger of WAFS and trainees into WASP             22
           Duties of Director of Women Pilots                22
           Regulations governing WASPs                       23
           Varied duties undertaken by WASP                  27