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Operation of Training Base

From the beginning of the operations, both at Houston and at Sweetwater, were of the Army contract type, used quite extensively in the whole cadet training program. A private contractor under this type of operation takes over the base, pays a certain rental to the Defense Plant Corporation, and for a fee handles the operation and maintenance of the plant and flying equipment, the employment of both ground and flying instructors, and the training of students. The same contractor handled the original base at Houston and the permanent base at Sweetwater. 

The total cost of the training program per graduate has been estimated to be approximately $12,000, including payment to the contractor, salary and uniforms to the trainees, cost of military and civilian personnel assigned to the training program, depreciation and maintenance of equipment, and all like items. Inasmuch as a part of the payments by the contractor as rental to the Defense Plant Corporation and in the form of taxes, the net cost to the Government was somewhat less than the figure stated above. It can be stated with assurance that the cost of training a WASP graduate, taking into account all factors, was no greater and probably, for various reasons, somewhat less than the cost of similar training in the case of cadets. 

WASPs were paid by Civil Service by administration was shared by Army Air Forces, civilian contractors, civilian instructors and Civil Service. Sharp lines of demarkation were difficult to secure and channels

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