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employees in pilot training under Air Forces administration.
Below the Establishment Officers were squadron and section officers selected from the trainees themselves on a rotation basis, their number dependent on size of enrollment at time of selection.
The trainees were required to follow as closely as possible the schedules established for male flying cadets at other AAF bases, not only for the purpose of determining if they were adapted to this daily routine grind, but also for the purpose of proper indoctrination against the possibility of later militarization and officers' commissions. Insofar as possible WASP trainees were treated as cadets and pilots.
On arrival at the training base they were immunized against small pox, tetanus, and typhoid, and dental identification surveys and routine care were given. Notwithstanding that they had all passed their "64" physical examination before arrival, visual acuity tests were given again and enough abnormalities were revealed to justify the practice. Each class was addressed by the medical officers and given lectures on personal hygiene and health. Routine examinations presented no problem. Nurses were always present during any physical examination. Dentists from the Army Air Base hospital at Big Spring visited Avenger Field every four to six weeks for stays of from ten to twelve days. All reports were to the effect that the WASP were fastidious in matters dealing with hygiene and that there was no reason disclosed to set up any different standards than for males.

