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Until July 1943, the training and operating branches of the women pilot program were handled independently as referred to above. With other commands and air forces becoming using agencies for the women pilots, the need for centralized coordination of all phases of the program became apparent. The experimental features of the program could not be properly handled without control over assignments between commands, selection of types of flying duties to be performed, and control over health and welfare according to a centralized plan. Accordingly, on 5 August 1943, the women pilot trainees and the WAFS (as the women in the Ferry Command were called) were merged into one organization known as WASP - for Women Airforces Service Pilots. The undersigned was appointed Special Assistant to the Assistant Chief of Air Staff, Operations, Commitments and Requirements, with tile of Director of Women Pilots. At about the same time, Mrs. Love, the chief squadron leader of the ferrying group of women pilots, was appointed as WASP executive with the staff of the Ferrying Division of Air Transport Command as adviser on WASP matters relating to that command.
The duties of the Director of Women Pilots as stated in the directives were generally as follows, in all cases subject to the approval of the Assistant Chief of Air Staff, Operations, Commitments and Requirements and to all necessary coordination: to determine the most effective utilization of women pilots and in what capacities they should be used; to determine the number of women pilots to be trained to meet the needs of the using agencies; to determine the qualifications of women pilot trainees; to 

