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transfers, and separations were to be processed by the Central Civilian Personnel Office at the station to which the WASPs were assigned. The organization was to consist of the Director of Women Pilots at Headquarters of the Army Air Forces, and WASP personnel assigned to the various commands and stations of the AAF. In the exercise of her responsibilities and functions, the Director of Women Pilots was authorized to consult directly with the commanding generals of the several commands and air forces or their appropriate officers. The WASPs were to be utilized for such duties which there were deemed qualified by commanding officers and could be assigned to administrative duties incident to flight operations provided such the duties would not prohibit or lime their utilizations as active pilots. Assignment to various commands of WASP graduates was to be established in coordination with the several commands and air forces. Reassignmens, as between commands and air forces were to be coordinated with Headquarters, AAF through the Director of Women Pilots, but transfers from one staton to another within a command could be effected in accordance with standard procedures for civilian personnel without such headquarters coordination. WASP pilots were permitted to initiate requests for transfers tp other types of flying, provided they had qualified for a period of six months in their previous assignment; such requests were to be submitted through channels to the Director of Women Pilots, and commanding officers of the various commands and air forces were to indicate the availability of such WASP for other duties. Each command or air force using WASP was permitted to appoint a WASP, to be designated staff executive, who would act as adviser on WASP matters affecting that particular command or air

