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June 4th
Captain Foster AG & Supt


Wiley Simmons and other Freedmen of Duplin County complain to me that Bands of White Ex Rebels roam around said County robbing and ill treating colored men and run off their Stock & declaring that no Black man shall have anything in that County, and that the Civil Authorities and Courts take no notice of such cases and when called upon refuse to see justice done.  Among the cases reported to me are the following. Churchill Winn (Colored) whose Mules (4) were run off on the night of the 24th of May. He applied to the Captain of the Police of Duplin County who said to him "that none of his men would go. That they said they were under no obligation to hunt property for niggers and said he had better get the Yankees."

Wiley Simmons says his property was taken from him by [[strike-illegible]] [[/strike]] the following named white men Daniel Kernigg, J Sutherland, and M Windsor

Transcription Notes:
Not complete, I cannot read the last three lines.