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June 12th

Colonel C.A. Cilley
Bu RF and A.L 

Several Citizens of this County have requested me to submit the following case and request that I be [[mentioned?]] to have Rations for Twenty men for one week to aid the matter. If approved that the Bridge across Blair River, on the Road from this  [[?]] to Fayetteville was burned by the U.S. Officer during the War. The County [[Court?]] of [[?]] [[?]] and [[?]] of Fayetteville have agreed to help re-build the Bridge and the Freedmen living near the Road have agreed to work on it if we would supply them with Rations during this time. I submit the [[letters?]] for your consideration

I am Colonel
Very Respectfully
Your obd't servant
Allan Rutherford
Bvt Col & Supt So Dist NC

[[eft margin]] Letter rec'd back. June 20th 1866 & filed [[/left margin]]