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Rec'd back June 26th and filed

June 23rd

Brig Maj Genl J. C. Robinson
Ass't. Com'r. Bur RF. and A.L

I have the honor to call attention to the following case, and request that it be investigated, in order that the guilty parties may be brought to justice. The Civil authorities have paid no attention to the matter, and unless the parties are arrested by the Military Authorities, they will go unpunished as the Sentiment of the judge  sanctions them in killing a man for the crime of acting as a guide to the Union Army.

The case is as follows.

Hugh Oxendine (Colored) Complains that his brother Hector Oxendine was murdered on or about the 2nd of May 1865, for acting as a guide for the Union Army. The names of the Murderers are Andrew Carliles, John Carliles, Tim Carliles, Benj Mauldin, Arch'd McMillan, Elisha Harrel, Wm Humphrey, and Neill Townsend, all white men. The witnesses