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| Bureau R.F. & A.L.  Hd. Qrs. Supt. E. Dist. Wilmington. Oct 25th 1865  Chas Wickersham  Refers case of N.N. Nixon versus Mr. Bray. Mr. Nixon makes application to have the Case annulled on the fround of damages done to the property. Asks instructions | Bureau R.F. & A.L. Raleigh Oct 25th 1865  Respectfully returned To annul a Case on so slight grounds could be extreme injustice. If Mr Gray has committed depredations, there will be a legal rememdy. The exact amount of damages if any, should be ascertained by Mr Moore as a basis for action  General charges such as the within affidavits contain, are insufficient.  Signed E Whittlesey  Col & Asst. Comm'r |
|   | Bureau R.F. & A.L. Hd Qrs. South'n Dist of N.C. Wilmington N.C. Nov 2/65  Respectfully refered to B.R. Moore Esq. Arty for Mr. N. N Nixon for his information.  Chas J. Wickersham Brt Maj A A G & Supt |


| Hd Qrs Sub. District Fayetteville N.C. Oct. 25th 1865  Respectfully submitted to Maj. Chas. J Wickersham Asst Supt. Bureau Freedmen &c  with the inquiry - who shall pay Bills for the rent from Augst 1st 1865 to Sept 1st 1865 be made out & submitted to. for Col. Donnelans Quarters  Respect. Most Obt. Sert. (Signed) F.D. Brimsmade Asst. &c | Bureau R F & A L. Hd Qrs. Southern Dist of N.C. Wilmington N.C. Nov. 2 1865  Returned with the remark that the certificate at the bottom of the a/c should be signed by the officer for whose use the building was rented otherwise it cannot be paid unless first authorized by the Asst Comm'r of the State. This Bureau being in the War Dept.  Officers are authorized to retain possession of any building or rooms (they may need) for Offices as a military necessity, the rent of private quarters for officers must be paid by themselves.  Chas. J. Wickersham Brvt Maj Asst G & Supt |

| Wilmington, N.C. O  Nov. 6th 1865. James Wilson Submits statement relative to his getting possession of his property now in possession of and held by one Jeff James - a freedman claiming it as his own | Bureau R.F & A.L. Hd Qrs Southern Dist of N.C. Wilmington N.C. Nov. 8th 1865  Forwarded with the remark that the civil authorities refuse to act in this matter they claim that they have no right to act in any difficulty in which one of the parties is a negroe. The Provost Marshall commenced to act in the matter, when the negro applied to this Bureau for assistance. I requested the Provost Marshall to turn the matter over to the Bureau under the provisions of Par. VII Circular No 5 War Dept. Bureau R F & A.L. refering to letter of |