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[[2 Columned Table]]
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Bureau R F. & A L. Hd. Qrs. South'n Dist of N.C. Wilmington N.C. Novr. 11th/65  Henry E. Hawkey 1st Lieut 39th U.S.C.T. Tenders his resignation | Bureau R F & A L. Hd. Qrs. Southern Dist of N.C. Wilmington N.C. Novr 11th 1865  Respectfully forwarded and recommended.  Chas J. Wickersham Bvt Maj A A G & Supt |

| Fayetteville N.C.  November 14th 1865  S.S. Mann Lt. & Asst. Supt Freedmen  Requesting permission to use for fire wood certain Oak Logs found in Arsenal Yard formerly the property of the Confederate Government | Bureau R.F & A.L.  Hd. Qrs. Sou. Dist of N.C. Wilmington N.C.  Novr 17th 1865  Respectfully refered to Maj. J.C. Mann.  Chas. J. Wickersham Bvt Maj A A G & Supt |

| R | [[note]] from p. 35 [[/note]] Bureau R.F & A.L. Raleigh. Novr. 15th 1865: Respectfully returned to Maj. Wickersham who will investigate the case fully.  If Mr. Wilson is the legal owner of the property, the tenant should be required to pay fair cents.  The Bureau has no power to eject him by force but if he refuses to act honestly & defrauds the owner he may be fined or imprisoned.  By Command of Col Whittlesey (Signed) Fred. H. Beecher  Lt & A A A Genl |
|   | [[note]] from p. 35 [[/note]] Bureau R.F & A.L. Hd. Qrs. Southern Dist N.C. Wilmington Novr 16th 1865  Respectfully returned to Mr. James Wilson - Attention is invited to Endorsement from Asst. Comm'r State of N.C.  Chas. J. Wickersham Bvt Maj A A G & Supt. [[note]] See f.168. [[/note]] |